Event Summary: 2020-21 Queen’s Ophthalmology Town Hall
Nov 22, 2020 | 2 min
Queen’s University held their first of 3 town hall sessions on November 14th, 2020. It was capped at around 30 participants which allowed for a more intimate atmosphere where attendees were encouraged to ask their questions over text or video throughout the event. There was no prepared presentation so the entire event was fuelled by participant questions! Here are a few takeaways from the discussion:
The department has created a number of resources specifically for this CaRMS cycle including an all new page on their website and a virtual tour (you can email the department for the password)
You spend 3 full blocks in your PGY-1 year doing ophthalmology which is a lot more compared to PGY-1 at other programs
A benefit of being in a smaller program is that all of ophthalmology is under one roof (including subspecialists you might want a 2nd opinion from) so there’s no stress of covering multiple hospitals
Residents feel very supported on call with a buddy system for junior residents and ample staff support, including staff always coming into weekend clinic
Queen’s was an early adopter of the “competency by design”-style of medical education so a lot of the wrinkles involved with getting staff on board etc have been ironed out already
There are many opportunities for residents to pursue international electives! One of the resident cited doing an elective at the Sydney eye hospital in their PGY-1 year
Queen’s also has a close relationship with rural communities such as Moose factory and has access to a drone slit lamp!
Queen's Ophthalmology's new CaRMS Site
You can explore the program here. They will also be hosting future Town Halls on December 12th at 2pm EST and January 9th. Finally, you can follow them on Instagram at @queensophtho!
Authors: Cody Lo
Cody Lo is a 4th year medical student from UBC and is the Director of External Affairs for the Canadian Ophthalmology Student Interest Group.